Monitoring hospital cost performance through a project surveillance system (Pss)



Professor Albert Chan is currently PolyU's Dean ofStudents, AssociateDirector ofResearch Institute for Sustainable Urban Development,Able Professor in Construction Health and Safety, and Chair ProfessorofConstruction Engineering and Management. He earned his MScdegree in Construction Management and Economics from the UniversityofAston in Birmingham, and PhD degree in Project Management fromthe University ofSouth Australia, Before joining the Department ofBuilding and Real Estate ofPolyU in 1996, Professor Chan taught at theUniversity ofSouth Australia as a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head ofthe SchoolofBuildingand Planning, He was appointed by PolyU as Associate Head (Teaching)ofthe Department ofBuilding and Real Estate from 2005 to 201l,Associate Dean from 20ll to 2013,Interim Deanofthe Faculty ofConstruction and Environment from 2013 to 2014, and Head ofthe DepartmentofBuilding and Real Estate from 2015 to 2021. He has been an Adjunct Professor in a numberofMainland and overseas universities.


The title of presentation is Monitoring hospital cost performance through a Project SurveillanceSystem (PSS). Hospital projccts stand out from othcr typcs ofconstructionprojects duc to thcirunique characteristics and features, Hospital project development faces several challenges dueto quickly changing user needs, diverse healthcare regulation frameworks, and proceduralcomplexity, To maintain high suecess rates, it is necessary to support projeet management effortsand decisions with proper monitoring and control technologies. This study creates a cashflowmodel to assess hospital projeet performance in Hong Kong's construction industry, Thenormalization and pereentile techniques were used to analyse monthly cashfow data from publichospital projects performed over the last 20 years and build the model, The model warns for threecategories ofproject performance: green (normal),yellow, and red, lt aids in anticipatingexisting or possible issues in ongoing hospital projects and providing early warning signals thatallow corrective actions to be implemented successfully and timely, This work adds to the ProjectManagement Body ofKnowledge by creating a paradigm to improve hospital project delivery.This presentation was supported by the Hong Kong Polytechnie University and the ResearchGrants Council (RGC) ofthe Hong Kong SAR, and it is partofa broader study entitled Developing a computerized project success index system to monitor and benchmark theperformance ofhospital projects(RGC General Research Fund: 15205421).

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